1.Do you think you're hot?
hot temper....kot?hehehe
2. Upload your five picture of you

3. Why do you like that picture?
itu jer yang ade pun
4. When was the last time you ate pizza
erm...dah lupa. awal tahun ari tu kot..
5. The last song you listen to?
Matahariku - Agnes Monica (apa tak, org yg mengetag pun putar lagu ni gak)hehehe
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Teringatkan seseorang
7. What name you prefer besides yours?
Nur Anisah, Siti Anisah, dulu kecik2 selalu tanya kat ayah, knp letak nama saya Anisah.
(sebab x suka. kompem nama saya 1st dalam register cikgu)
8. People to tag:
Teringin nak tag-first,Teacher Wana.second, Cikgu Sazila. third,no one. fourth,no body.fifth,saintis.Hhehehehe
9. Who is number one?
My another best friend.
10. Number three is having relationship with?
no body
11. Say something about number five?
x-mprm . hehehe
12. How about number four?
hate this number '4'.
13. Who is number two?
Someone that i love
Jawab pun gitu2 aje....janji jawab.Yang kena tag tu tahu dah deme takkan jawab. Saintis usahalah menjawabnya di ruangan komen.sedaya yang mampu...Wakakakakaka, nak jugak aku pekena hang!
p/s : selepas membaca komen yg pertama itu, so Syahidah, Yusma and As have to read this.....hehehhe bukan salah aku yea...
2 ulasan:
dare to take the challange...
1. YES...i am HOTlink (fikir la sendiri nape yea)
2. read p/s below
3. read p/s below
4. the day before yesterday (As usual...SAIZERIYA)
5. Can`t Take My Eyes of You- Andy William
6. Thinking of simpozium ( keje yg terbengkalai)
7. Anything as long as it still in `MOHD NOR SHAMSUL BAHARI AL AMIN`
8. Shidah, Yusma korang je pun yg ada blog. plus As
9. Minah kepoh PI-KH 96/99 hahhaha..
10. mano la den tau ( pandai je nak korek rahsia org..hhihihiih)
11 . Not in my list
12. Same as above
13. Minah PI-KH 96/99 tapi tak kepoh pun... hahahha.. ( mati aku kena bunuh ngan dia org)
p/s : gambar tak leh uplod so, pandai2 la korang bayangkan gambar apa yea pastu buat ulasan sendiri
terima kasih kerana melawati blog saya.sering2 lah datang...
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